During the month of February #BoxvilleChi will post a #ThursdayTrivia question related to #SouthSideChicago Black History
Black History is American History!
Every Thursday during the month of February, Boxville’s Instagram page (@BoxvilleChi) will post a trivia question focused on #BronzevilleHistory and the greater South Side.
How do you play? How do you win??
Follow Boxville on Instagram —> @BoxvilleChi
Trivia question will be post on Thursday mornings
Reply in the comment section with the right answer to the question
First right answer in the comments wins! (Winner will be announced on Fridays)
You can only win once during the month of February
**What do you win??** Some really awesome Boxville merchandise! Tell a friend to tell a friend to join in on the #SouthSideBlackHistory #Trivia every Thursday!